OK Preferred size: ^0K Minimum size: ^0K Version 2: “^0” Version 1: “^0” Name:“^0” Clear inited flag Set inited flag Please use the File Buddy application to print a registration form. Thanks. Uh oh. Somebody’s been messing around in my resources, and now I can't run. Bummer. Right Now Set Modified to: Set Created to: Set comment to: “^0” Unlock the file Lock the file Clear NoINITs flag Set NoINITs flag Don’t share this app... Share this application Clear BNDL bit Set BNDL bit Clear stationery flag Set stationery flag Clear alias flag Set alias flag Don’t use custom icon Use custom icon Unlock the name Lock the name Make it visible Make it invisible Remove custom icon Add custom icon Change label to: Change file type to: ‘^0’ Change creator to: ‘^0’ I can't find File Buddy's preferences file. It must be present to use this Drag&Drop. Please use the actual File Buddy application to register. FB Prefs This copy of File Buddy is registered to Your copy of File Buddy has not been registered.